Tinwell Village

Tinwell village is located in the county of Rutland. The village is just west of the A1 and within walking distance of the town of Stamford.
There are 92 households and a population of 242 (2021 census). The village has a well-used village hall, which provides a venue for parties and community events as well as regular special interest classes. Next door to the village hall is a football pitch which as well as providing a sports area is the venue for village parties. In 2012 at the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee hundreds of villagers and friends turned out for a sports day, barbeque and concert and the lighting of the jubilee beacon made at Tinwell Forge.
Tinwell has a beautiful church – All Saints’ Church. The church has a distinctive tower with an unusual saddleback roof; these are rare in England and was added in about 1350. Opposite the church is The Old Rectory, birthplace of Thomas Laxton (1830-1893) who conducted plant-breeding research for Charles Darwin and developed the Laxton Superb and Laxton Fortune apples and the Royal Sovereign strawberry.
Other buildings of interest are Tinwell Forge (picture below) and Bakery which are located on Main Street and were built in 1848. At the front of the forge is a stone surround to the village spring, which was built for the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria; there is also a Victorian post box.The bakery closed in 1948 and the forge is no longer in operation. By the riverside is Tinwell Mill, although it is now a private house a mill stood at the same site during the Domesday period.
In 2024, Tinwell was twinned with the northern French village of Doingt-Flamincourt sur Somme. This followed the return of a crucifix to the French village in 2023. The crucifix originated from the church of Doingt-Flamicourt, which was destroyed during the Battle of the Somme in 1916. It was salvaged by British Army chaplain Rev Percy Hooson and brought back to All Saints' Church in Tinwell, where it remained until its return. Strong links were forged between the two communities which culminated in the formal twinning.
Walks can be taken from Tinwell south towards Easton on the Hill, with its Norman church and the Priest’s House; west around the limestone quarry and along the rivers Chater and Welland towards Ketton, Aldgate and Geeston; and east following the Jurassic Way towards Stamford, and the Macmillan and Hereward Ways to Wothorpe and Burghley House. There is a footpath map showing these routes in the churchyard.